Feb 13, 2024 | CBFSC
Most ministers will be happy for a gift of chocolates but there are a few more things a congregation can give its ministers that might be even more welcome: The gift of being direct; The gift of utilizing the staff structure; The gift of rationing communiques; The gift of sharing your background; The gift of prayer.
Jan 29, 2024 | CBFSC
Help feed hungry people with the Souper Bowl of Caring on Feb. 11. If you’re looking for a new way to help out on this day, we’ve got a a few suggestions or just do a Google search!
Dec 15, 2023 | CBFSC
Meeting the need effectively and equitably for safe, secure and affordable housing is both the cornerstone and the hallmark of thriving, stable, and resilient communities. During the Building Hope Weekend, participants will work on housing projects identified by local housing partners, to provide a safe and healthy home environment for rural residents in Allendale, Bamberg, and Barnwell counties.
Sep 24, 2023 | CBFSC
If you’re about to make the transition between seminary and congregational ministry, you may want to consider applying for the CBF Fellows program. Fellows learn how to connect the academic to the practical.
Jun 22, 2023 | CBFSC
CBFSC Associate Coordinator Lane Riley has been the personal recipient of FBC Greenwood’s Prayer Shawl ministry.
May 11, 2023 | CBFSC Churches, Feature
Rusty Brock did his own scientific study on parking—do drivers pull in or back in? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? And what does parking have to do with navigating life?
Apr 26, 2023 | CBFSC, Missions
Katrina Reeves received the Christian Action Council for her loving spirit and faithful leadership in community ministries serving children and their families
Apr 24, 2023 | Advocacy
Kelly Strum is the director of Koinonia of Columbia, an assets-based community development corporation operated in cooperation with Eau Claire Baptist Church.
Feb 28, 2023 | Advocacy
Baptist Women in Ministry has changed from a February Month of Preaching to a March Month of Advocacy for women in ministry. This article by BWIM director Meredith Stone offers several suggestions for churches to consider during this month.