By Jennifer McClung Rygg
Pastor, First Baptist Church Pendleon
A year and a half ago, we began a capital campaign to update our church facilities. We called it the Repair and Revitalize Capital Campaign.
The project included:
- Repairing damage to the ductwork of our HVAC system
- Repairing damage to our sanctuary sound system and projector
- Updating our audiovisual equipment to better suit our current needs
- Acquiring new video equipment to improve our online worship capabilities.
In addition to these capital improvement projects, 10% of contributions given to the campaign were designated to our Hands On Mission fund as a way of practicing Jesus’ command to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Earlier this year, we concluded our Repair and Revitalize Capital Campaign, with a total of $57,116.11 received, of which $5,711.61 was designated for missions. What a tremendous blessing!
These contributions were given by 44 givers. The generosity of these givers allowed us to make the needed improvements to our facilities and to greatly improve our video capabilities (which continue to expand the impact of our ministry, even now that we have resumed in-person worship.)
Mark Tidsworth of Pinnacle Leadership Associates, an author and presenter who provides resources to churches and ministry leaders, describes vitality as “Holy Spirit wind blowing on the dormant coals of churches bringing new life.
In the past year, First Baptist Church of Pendleton has indeed experienced revitalization. Recently we had the privilege of baptizing a teenager who joined the church with her mother, expressing her appreciation for finding a church that values inclusivity. The mother and daughter first visited our church online, before deciding to visit in person and to join.
We are experiencing new life as a church, as we live into our calling as a community of faith. We have also been able to share of our blessings through our Hands On Mission Fund. The additional contributions that came to this fund because of the capital campaign have allowed us to:
- Support refugees from Afghanistan at the Welcome House in Raleigh, NC.
- Send children’s literature to a church in Nicaragua
- Purchase Bible story books and Christmas activity books for families who participated in our community’s Magi program, which provides groceries during the summer and holiday gifts
- Prepare flood buckets for those whose homes are damaged by severe weather events
- Send contributions for assistance following Hurricane Ida and the August 2021 earthquake in Haiti
- Support teachers at Pendleton Elementary School through an appreciation breakfast and contributing towards teacher appreciation gifts
- Give an additional gift to our mission partner Metanoia, in celebration of their 20th anniversary.
The extravagant generosity and faithful support of those who contributed to the Repair and Revitalize Capital Campaign made all of this good work possible.
Hands On Missions
FBC Pendleton’s Hands on Mission team is very active in its community – building wheelchair ramps and handrails, serving meals to volunteer mission groups, helping collecting Christmas gifts for children in our community, and assisting with other special projects throughout the year.