Kelly Strum is BWIM Woman Minister of Year
Kelly Strum is the director of Koinonia of Columbia, an assets-based community development corporation operated in cooperation with Eau Claire Baptist Church.
Kelly Strum is the director of Koinonia of Columbia, an assets-based community development corporation operated in cooperation with Eau Claire Baptist Church.
Baptist Women in Ministry has changed from a February Month of Preaching to a March Month of Advocacy for women in ministry. This article by BWIM director Meredith Stone offers several suggestions for churches to consider during this month.
Christen Kinard spent some of her earliest years in Senegal where her parents, Nell and Butch Greene, were missionaries. She’s back in that country now looking for ways to help women become self-sufficient through her organization called The Off Ramp, a long-term covenant partner of CBFSC.
Pelham Road Baptist Church in Greenville often teaches with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other. So to help its youth better understand each other and those around them, they made a trip to Atlanta to visit the National Center for Civil rights the struggles of those who came before them.
Fighting gentrification, Metanoia is in a race against time as local housing prices and eviction rates are increasing. Our long-term CBFSC missions partner thinks God’s vision in Isaiah of building houses for others to live in might not be possible as Charleston’s economy strengthens.