Free webinar on humanity, slavery and faith

Free webinar on humanity, slavery and faith

First Baptist Church in Greenville is sponsoring a free webinar on Thursday, Jan. 19 about humanity, slavery and faith. mberly Kellison, Professor of History at Baylor University, will present the research surrounding her new book, Forging a Christian Order: South Carolina Baptists, Race and Slavery, 1696-1860.

Two sides of the coin—Gratitude and Generosity

Two sides of the coin—Gratitude and Generosity

As you gather with your families to celebrate our American tradition of Thanksgiving, perhaps in the midst of turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, and dessert, you will take time to share a word of gratitude for what God is doing in the life of your family. In addition, as families, take time to show God your gratitude by generously serving others in the name of Jesus.

New pastor has requests for congregation

New pastor has requests for congregation

Tim Marsh, the new pastor at First Baptist Church in Laurens, has some requests for his new congregation that can be pertinent to all of us as we move into the start of a new church year for many and a busy fall.