The Offering Plate & Beyond

The Offering Plate & Beyond

How can you cultivate a culture of financial security in a changing church world? Shauw Shin Capps and Rickey Letson, both of whom have worked and lived in South Carolina, will be leading a workshop that might help guide churches toward a new direction in financial well-being.

Pushing Forward in Faith anniversary campaign

Pushing Forward in Faith anniversary campaign

Who but God could have imagined...? At the leading of CBFSC Coordinator, Marion Aldridge, and Missions Coordinator, Beverly Greer, 20 years ago CBFSC called Bill Stanfield and Evelyn Oliveira as [...]
Join us at General Assembly 2022

Join us at General Assembly 2022

We hope that you’ll join us in North Charleston at St. Matthew Baptist Church for CBF South Carolina’s General Assembly on April 1st.  It will be such a joy to [...]
Preventing Sexual Abuse at Church

Preventing Sexual Abuse at Church

What is clergy sexual abuse? What does it look like? And how do we prevent it? Last week, pastors and lay leaders joined the CBFSC Congregational Life committee on learning [...]
Letting go of CBFSC

Letting go of CBFSC

After having helped CBFSC with its communications for more than 25 years, Sue Harper Poss is letting go and putting faith and trust into something new.

No more doors: CIA rebrands itself

No more doors: CIA rebrands itself

For Carolina Immigrant Alliance since its beginning, it’s been all about opening doors to build community for all. Then, oops, they realized somebody has to open the door, and thus holds the power. The rebranding leaves the doors and walls out completely as CIA strives to build community among diversity.

Rygg: A time of new opportunities

Rygg: A time of new opportunities

Our CBFSC moderator for 2021-22 is Jennifer McClung Rygg, pastor of First Baptist Church in Pendleton. She talks about her journey to where she is and about the current and future vision for CBFSC.