Steven Bouknight, pastor of Eau Claire Baptist Church in Columbia, was awarded a Doctorate of Ministry degree from the Gardner Webb University School of Divinity, at the fall commencement ceremony held December 10 on the campus in Boiling Springs, NC.

Stephen was a CBFSC Scholar, qualifying for a scholarship to help him complete his studies.

As the final requirement for the degree, Steven led members of his congregation in a five-week intensive workshop on the spiritual disciplines, with special focus on teaching church members how to listen to God through prayer, meditation, solitude, and journaling. 

Steven said he is thankful to his church family for participating in his ministry project, to the Leadership Development committee of CBFSC for approving him for a scholarship, and to the Charles B. Keesee Educational Fund, Inc. 

Steven is also appreciative to his faculty advisor Cal Robertson, field supervisor Don Brock, Dean Robert Canoy, Doctor of Ministry program director Ben Leslie , and Doctor of Ministry program director Danny West, now retired,  all of the School of Divinity at Gardner Webb.         


Steven Bouknight gets his doctorate stole at graduation.