Covenant Partners

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina forms long-term covenant partnerships with other organizations engaged in mission around our state. Our partners work to cultivate beloved community, bear witness to Jesus Christ, and seek transformational development in the areas of poverty, migration, and global church. Follow the links below to learn more about our partners. 

Who We Are

Covenant Partners

CBF of South Carolina has ongoing long-term partnerships with four organizations in our state. Each one receives between $15,000 and $50,000 per year to carry on their missions within their communities.


Metanoia—North Charleston

In 2002, CBFSC helped found the Charleston Poverty initiative, later renamed Metanoia, in the SC ZIP code with the highest level of childhood poverty. It has grown exponentially and is one of the foremost community development organizations in our country.

Koinonia of Columbia

Koinonia envisions a networking of compassionate people connected through our foundational beliefs that all people are created in the image of God and that we are called to live and work toward the common good for all.


Palmetto Works—Conway

Palmetto Works’ mission is to help children, adolescents, and adults do their age and developmentally appropriate work through Palmetto Kids Music & Arts Academy, Work-It-Out Leadership Academy, and C.H.O.P.S.


Carolina Immigrant Alliance—Rock Hill

The goal of Carolina Immigrant Alliance is to work for the mutual integration of all people through low-cost immigration legal counsel, advocacy, and radical hospitality.