CBFSC Missions Partners Koinonia of Columbia and Palmetto Works in Conway welcomed the gifts of children’s books from First Baptist Church in Greenwood.
The children at First Baptist Church and students from Cheerful Cherubs Preschool (housed at FBC Greenwood) collected and donated the books.
“The books are excellent,” said Koinonia director Kelly Strum. Many of the books were distributed to children in the community with which Koinonia works.
The staff at Koinonia is also making packages for each of its 14 kids that include some of the donated books, art supplies and other items to keep the kids busy during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The photo is a picture of the Prisma Health social worker who is taking 96 of the books (2/child) to a nearby housing project with which she and Koinonia work.
Anna Burch is Minister to Children at First Baptist Church in Greenwood.