By Jay Kieve
CBFSC Coordinator
Please join me on October 6-8 at this year’s virtual “When Faith Hurts” conference presented by the Julie Valentine Center in Greenville.
This 3-day, virtual conference will equip faith leaders to recognize abuse, respond well to the pastoral and emotional needs of those impacted by abuse, and guide you toward developing policies and procedures that will protect the vulnerable in your congregation. Three or four workshop sessions will be held each day. Here’s a link to the agenda.
Learning about child abuse and child sexual abuse is no one’s idea of a fun way to spend a few days. I promise, you will feel gross and horrified, and maybe a little suspicious. And actually, that’s important…I’d rather you feel those things for the first time in the safety of a conference rather than when you are confronting an issue in your church or community. It is unsettling but, after you have processed the emotion here, you will be more able to respond with knowledge should you need to confront abuse later.
CBF South Carolina is pleased to partner with The Julie Valentine Center in this event, making it free to participants. So, please consider setting aside some time to learn from the best (and these presenters are some of the best in the country) about ways to protect your church and its people.
Feel free to reach out to me ( with questions or for more information.