What is PilgriMission?

What does it mean to serve as a short-term missionary?

How does the work I do contribute to any long-term benefit for the people I hope to help?

How can I be sure that I am not contributing to the very problems I hope to alleviate?

How can I be changed by my encounter with those I hope to serve?

These questions, among others, are what drove CBF of SC to develop PilgriMission. Our churches have a heart for mission and a desire to be actively involved in hands-on service. We also realize, however, that many times our mission practices have hurt more than they’ve helped. How, then, do we actively engage in cross-cultural mission in responsible ways? How do we ensure that our mission experiences are guided by our desire to be faithful disciples and not by our desire to tour the world?

To help address these questions, we’ve developed a short-term curriculum  for churches to use as they prepare for, conduct, and debrief their short-term mission experiences. This resource:

Highlights the importance of relationships in short-term missions: Often, very little transformative work can be accomplished in the span of a few days, but what can take place is a transformation in ourselves and the people we meet through sincere, loving, cross-cultural relationships. This doesn’t downplay the service we offer, instead it highlights the importance of these relationships which are forged as we work together in Kingdom work.

  1. Helps us to learn from those with whom we are going to serve: The people we go to help offer a wealth of wisdom on the issues with which they work. Some of our energy, then, will be spent learning what they have to teach us. They can teach us how best to help by guiding us to do meaningful, truly beneficial work.

    Leads us to realize that missions isn’t a task Christians do, but a lifestyle we lead: All mission service comes from an overflow of Christ’s working within us. Therefore, PilgriMission strives to take discipleship and spiritual formation seriously so that we can be formed together as we follow Christ.

We invite you to journey with us as we seek to be faithful participants in the mission of God in our midst. If  you have any questions about PilgriMission, feel free to contact our Mission Coordinator.

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