Connect with one of our partner churches to experience the fellowship of CBFSC.
Make a one time and secure donation to CBFSC through our online portal.
We have mission partners throughout the state who can always use some helping hands.

Building Hope Weekend 2024
It’s time to apply for CBF Fellows
If you’re about to make the transition between seminary and congregational ministry, you may want to consider applying for the CBF Fellows program. Fellows learn how to connect the academic to the practical.
FBC Greenwood’s Prayer Shawl ministry brings blessings
CBFSC Associate Coordinator Lane Riley has been the personal recipient of FBC Greenwood’s Prayer Shawl ministry.

The Beverly Greer Offering for State Missions helps CBFSC partner with ministries across our state. The goal for 2023 is $70,000. The Offering now supports SIX covenant mission partners, and also provides for grants offered to ministries and churches through the year.