Mar 30, 2021 | Missions
Three years ago, the local school identified a family that could really benefit from what Koinonia had to offer. Now, having gained the mother’s trust, she is one of most engaged parents in Koinonia’s program.
Jul 11, 2020 | CBFSC
CBF Global awarded Palmetto Works, a CBFSC Covenant Partner in Conway, a grant to cover maintenance and insurance on a truck that is used to transport produce from local farmers to its CHOPS ministry. CBF awarded the grant because Palmetto Works serves a population classified as being in a food desert.
Jun 18, 2020 | Missions
Working virtually from her home in Gastonia,Collar Bell-Graves is writing curriculum for Palmetto Works and helping with virtual summer programs through CBF’s Student.Church Program.
May 2, 2016 | Coordinator Update
At this year's General Assembly at Timberlake Baptist Church, CBFSC entered a three-year covenantal partnership with Palmetto Works Community Development Corporation in Conway, SC. This ministry, an offshoot of partner congregation [...]