Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina’s partner, Palmetto Kids is actively working to transform the lives of some of Conway’s at-risk children. This year, through our partnership grants, CBF of SC was able to partner with their summer cultural enrichment camp, which gave the children a safe place to be, while also teaching them music, art, and dance.
During the year, Palmetto Kids offers after-school programming for these children. On Mondays, the children are part of a Freedom Readers program aiming to achieve higher literacy rates while providing children with age-appropriate books that they add to their home library. The rest of the week, the children take part in arts, theater, music, and dance classes.
Your support of CBF of SC’s Beverly Greer Offering for State Missions helps us to partner with ministries like Palmetto Works that are actively transforming the lives of children around our state. Please click here, and choose “State Missions” in the drop-down menu to invest in this kind of Kingdom work.
Take some time to visit Palmetto Works’ website to learn more about Palmetto Kids and their other, transformative ministries in Conway.